And He has united their hearts. If you had spent all that is in the earth, you could not have united their hearts. But Allah has united them: Certainly, He is All-Mighty, All-Wise. (8:63)
Hudayfa relates: "The Battle of Yarmuk had just ended. I was walking over the battlefield among the martyred and injured with a pitcher of water. I was looking for the son of my uncle. I found him lying in blood on the burning sand. He was about to die. I asked him whether he wanted water. Unable to speak, he gestured that he did. I was just about to offer it to him when a groaning was heard: ‘Water! Water! Please, a drop of water!’
My uncle’s son, whose name was Harith, heard that and gestured that I should take the water to him. I hastened to the groaning one, who was Ikrima. Ikrima had not yet taken the pitcher when a similar groaning was heard. Refusing to take the water, Ikrima wanted me to take it to the one groaning. When I got to that one, who was ‘Iyash, he was supplicating: "O God! We have never refrained from sacrificing our lives for the sake of faith. Honor us with the rank of martyrdom, and forgive our sins!"
‘Iyash saw the water but did not live long enough to drink it. I immediately returned to take the water to Ikrima. However, I found Ikrima also martyred. Then I hastened to Harith, my uncle’s son. Unfortunately, he too was lying dead on the burning sand.”
The Messenger of Allah, sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “You will not enter paradise until you are a believer, and you are not a believer until you love for your brother what you love for yourself.” Brothers and sisters, These men and women were true believers. They earned paradise sacrificing their lives, preferring their dying brothers over themselves.
When the Muslims migrated to Madina, leaving behind the persecution they faced in Makkah, they were met with open arms by the Madinan Ansaar. Some of the Ansaar split with the Makkans their money, shelter and food, evenly. While others even offered to divorce their wives so that their brothers in Islam could marry them.
Brothers and sisters, we have strayed far from the ways of the pious predecessors.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) once said that a man set out to visit one of his brothers for the sake of Allah and Allah (swt) appointed an angel to watch over him. The angel asked the man, 'Where are you going?' The man replied: 'I wish to visit my brother.' 'Do you need anything from him?' asked the angel. 'No,' the man answered. 'Then why are you going to visit him?" inquired the angel. The man replied, 'I love him for Allah's Sake.' Then the angel said to the man, 'Then know that Allah has sent me to tell you that Allah loves you because of your love for your brother and that He has decreed Paradise for you.’ (Muslim)
Abu Hurayrah quotes the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) to have said: Verily, Allah would say on the Day of Resurrection: Where are those who have mutual love for My Glory's sake? Today I shall shelter them in My shadow when there is no other shadow but the shadow of Mine. [Muslim]
I pray that we too are sitting under the shade of Allah as we are now, when there is no other shade but His shade.
Part II
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) discussed with Abu Hurayrah the importance of good character.
The Prophet (pbuh) said, "O Abu Hurayrah, maintain good character." Abu Hurairah then asked the Prophet (pbuh): "And what is good character, O Messenger of Allah?" The Prophet (pbuh) replied: "Connect with the people that shun you, forgive those that wrong you and give to those that deprive you."
This, my brothers and sisters, is the true meaning of good character, true brotherhood, but this is the exact opposite of the way we think and act.
Every Muslim has rights over his brother. These rights are of many types. We’ll discuss a couple today inshaAllah.
Right to wealth:
One of many instances of how this responsibility of brotherhood was fulfilled in the 20th Century occurred when a righteous Muslim was jailed because of his Islamic activities. His brother in the sake of Allah divided his salary between his own family and the family of his imprisoned brother. When his wife asked him, "How can we get by on half a salary?" he answered, "How can my brother's children get by on no salary at all?"
One author in his book describes the degrees of generosity and brotherhood. The LOWEST, he says, is that you give your brother something when he asks you. And the highest is that you give him something that you NEED and you give it to him BEFORE he asks you for it.
Right on your self:
This right consists of inquiring about your brother and his well-being, smiling and greeting him when you see him, and praying for him in his absence. It also entails dealing gently and honestly with him; giving him the benefit of the doubt; loving him as you love yourself and your family; trusting him in all your matters; shunning ill thoughts of him; keeping your promises to him and guarding his secrets; and visiting him if he should become ill.
To fulfill your brother's rights over yourself, you should never remind him of your generosity should you happen to help him or give him something. Give him sincere advice, inquire about his children, protect his honor and his wealth, and do not covet him.
The Prophet of Allah (pbuh) once said: "Whoever relieves a believer from a distress of this life, Allah will relieve him from a distress on the Day of Judgment. Whosoever brings ease to a believer who is in difficulty, Allah will bring ease to him in both this life and the next. Whosoever conceals the shortcomings of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his shortcomings in this world and the next. Allah will always help a servant as long as that servant helps his brother."
We should strive to emulate the man about whom the honored Prophet (pbuh) said, "A man of Paradise shall enter among you shortly." The fine merit of this man described by the Prophet (pbuh) was that every night before he slept, he cleansed his heart of any hatred or envy towards his fellow Muslims.
Abdullah ibn Umar narrates that Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: It is not permissible for a Muslim to have estranged relations with his brother beyond three days. [Muslim]
Many times we find it difficult to forgive and over-look the faults of our brothers and sisters. We should take solace in the words of Allah ‘azza wa jall when He says in Surah an-Nur:
" ...Let them pardon and forgive. Do you not love that Allah should forgive
you? And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." [24:22]
In conclusion:
On one occasion Idrees al-Khawadani said to Mu`aadh ibn Jabal: "I love you for the sake of Allah." Mu`aadh responded: "Behold! Then, behold again the good news! For I have heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) saying: 'On the Day of Judgment, seats will be placed around the Throne [of Allah] for a group of people whose faces resemble the full moon. These people shall not experience any fear or terror although all others will. They are the friends of Allah upon whom there shall be no fear and who shall not be sad. It was asked, 'Who are those people, O Messenger of Allah?' The Messenger (pbuh) replied, 'They are the ones who love one another for the sake of Allah, The Exalted.''"
written by: Umer Akbar, October 2004