article: Last Man Standing
Last Man Standing
Allah, subhanahu wata'aala (swt), has promised to preserve the Quran. But how?

You probably don't know Muhammad b. Nuh, but that's no surprise. During the great trial of 'the creation of the Quran,' many contemporaries of Imam Ahmed had acquiesced to the khalifah's claim that the Quran was a creation of Allah and not His Word. Opposing this claim were two indomitable figures, Imam Ahmed and his student and contemporary, Muhammad b. Nuh, who were summoned to the khalifah's court to be reprimanded for their persistent defiance .
They were arrested and placed in shackles, which the Imam described as being heavier than his body-weight, and were marched to the capital. Upon seeking respite for salaah only minutes away from Ma'moon's palace, the Imam prayed in qunoot, "oh Allah, your clemency has made this sinner (Ma'moon) very arrogant and he has become so bold as to transgress all bounds. O Allah, if the Quran is Your Speech, uncreated, then free us of this man." As the Imam ended his salaah, shrieks and wailing could be heard from the palace as mourners grieved the instant death of Ma'moon. Who is there (but Allah) to answer the call of the oppressed when he cries out…(Naml:62)
While the next khalifah, Mu'tasim, was being inaugurated, the two shaykhs were taken to a nearby prison. On their way, Muhammad b. Nuh fell sick and passed away.
Allah, subhanahu wata'aala (swt), has promised to preserve the Quran. But how?

You probably don't know Muhammad b. Nuh, but that's no surprise. During the great trial of 'the creation of the Quran,' many contemporaries of Imam Ahmed had acquiesced to the khalifah's claim that the Quran was a creation of Allah and not His Word. Opposing this claim were two indomitable figures, Imam Ahmed and his student and contemporary, Muhammad b. Nuh, who were summoned to the khalifah's court to be reprimanded for their persistent defiance .
They were arrested and placed in shackles, which the Imam described as being heavier than his body-weight, and were marched to the capital. Upon seeking respite for salaah only minutes away from Ma'moon's palace, the Imam prayed in qunoot, "oh Allah, your clemency has made this sinner (Ma'moon) very arrogant and he has become so bold as to transgress all bounds. O Allah, if the Quran is Your Speech, uncreated, then free us of this man." As the Imam ended his salaah, shrieks and wailing could be heard from the palace as mourners grieved the instant death of Ma'moon. Who is there (but Allah) to answer the call of the oppressed when he cries out…(Naml:62)
While the next khalifah, Mu'tasim, was being inaugurated, the two shaykhs were taken to a nearby prison. On their way, Muhammad b. Nuh fell sick and passed away.
That day, Allah swt honored one of them with death on siraatal-mustaqeem, and chose the other to carry the standard of Islam
Ali ibn al-Madini commented: "truly, Allah reinforced this Religion with AbuBakr al-Siddiq the day of the Great Apostasy, and He reinforced it with Ahmad ibn Hanbal the day of the Inquisition. " And how wise is Allah in His choosing!
Mu'tasim continued in the footsteps of his predecessor and was even more determined to end his opposition. Imam Ahmed was summoned and momentarily placed in a room before his appointment with the khalifah. As he entered the room, he glanced around and found it completely empty.
A few hours later, engulfed by absolute darkness, the Imam decided to pray tahajjad and
began searching for water. As he felt his way around the room, he recollected the image of the empty room when he entered. As the thought crossed his mind, he felt his hand touch a pitcher of water. And whoever fears Allah, He prepares a way out for him and provides for him from sources he did not expect. (Talaq:2-3) The Imam made wudu and stood for qiyamul layl.
We might have come across some people who have seen the Prophet, peace be upon him (pbuh), in their dreams. But how often does that happen? Imam Ahmed would see the Prophet pbuh on most nights, and when he wouldn't see him, upon whom be peace, he would declare himself a hypocrite. The standards for such luminaries are invariably higher.
From simple Arabic grammar to the intricacies of Aqeedah, Imam Ahmed was a master of nearly every discipline of Islam. He is unquestionably a leading authority in the fields of Hadith, Quran –exegesis and recitation– and jurisprudence and its principles. It was perhaps due to this knowledge and influence that he underwent such an arduous trial. After all, the more difficult the struggle, the greater the reward.
Mu'tasim continued in the footsteps of his predecessor and was even more determined to end his opposition. Imam Ahmed was summoned and momentarily placed in a room before his appointment with the khalifah. As he entered the room, he glanced around and found it completely empty.
A few hours later, engulfed by absolute darkness, the Imam decided to pray tahajjad and

We might have come across some people who have seen the Prophet, peace be upon him (pbuh), in their dreams. But how often does that happen? Imam Ahmed would see the Prophet pbuh on most nights, and when he wouldn't see him, upon whom be peace, he would declare himself a hypocrite. The standards for such luminaries are invariably higher.
From simple Arabic grammar to the intricacies of Aqeedah, Imam Ahmed was a master of nearly every discipline of Islam. He is unquestionably a leading authority in the fields of Hadith, Quran –exegesis and recitation– and jurisprudence and its principles. It was perhaps due to this knowledge and influence that he underwent such an arduous trial. After all, the more difficult the struggle, the greater the reward.
Imam Ahmed was brought before the khalifah for an event that would forever etch his name in the tablets of history and raise him to the ranks of heroes.
Many Mu'tazilite scholars were brought to debate with him, each one leaving defeated and speechless. Mu'tasim was flabbergasted.
After a few days of interrogations, Mu'tasim felt embarrassed and decided to relieve his anger by punishing the Imam. He struck Imam Ahmed with his hand, dropping him to the ground, unconscious. When he regained his senses, a group of strong men were ordered to take turns whipping him, each whip eliciting a heartfelt reaction everytime: Alhamdulillah, SubhanAllah, Allahu Akbar.
Mu'tasim beat the Imam with the handle of his sword until he too became fatigued. But to no avail. He then called another man who was the most skilled at flogging and inquired how many whips it will take to finish him. "Five to ten. Fifteen to twenty, max." As he flogged, Imam Ahmed began bleeding, pieces of his flesh peeling off his body. If matters of life and death were in the hands of men, this day would surely have been the Imam's last!
As the sun set and the activities for the day came to a close, Mu'tasim ordered that a sweet drink of dates be brought for the Imam. When the delicious beverage was presented to Imam Ahmed, he refused to drink, saying: by Allah, I will not take a sip of this drink, fa innee saa'im –for I am fasting.
Say: Indeed, my prayer and my sacrifice, my life and my death, are for Allah, the Lord of the worlds. (An'am: 62)
After a few days of interrogations, Mu'tasim felt embarrassed and decided to relieve his anger by punishing the Imam. He struck Imam Ahmed with his hand, dropping him to the ground, unconscious. When he regained his senses, a group of strong men were ordered to take turns whipping him, each whip eliciting a heartfelt reaction everytime: Alhamdulillah, SubhanAllah, Allahu Akbar.
Mu'tasim beat the Imam with the handle of his sword until he too became fatigued. But to no avail. He then called another man who was the most skilled at flogging and inquired how many whips it will take to finish him. "Five to ten. Fifteen to twenty, max." As he flogged, Imam Ahmed began bleeding, pieces of his flesh peeling off his body. If matters of life and death were in the hands of men, this day would surely have been the Imam's last!
As the sun set and the activities for the day came to a close, Mu'tasim ordered that a sweet drink of dates be brought for the Imam. When the delicious beverage was presented to Imam Ahmed, he refused to drink, saying: by Allah, I will not take a sip of this drink, fa innee saa'im –for I am fasting.
Say: Indeed, my prayer and my sacrifice, my life and my death, are for Allah, the Lord of the worlds. (An'am: 62)
written by Umer Akbar
Durbah Newsletter: Iqra, December 2007