khutbah: U-Turn Ahead
U-Turn Ahead

Among those who lived in the past was a man who had killed 99 persons. Desiring to repent, he enquired for a wise man and was directed to a monk. He went to him and asked whether having killed 99 persons there was any possibility of repentance for him. The monk said, 'No!' So he killed the monk and completed his hundred.
Then he enquired again and was directed to a scholar. To him he put the like question whether having killed 100 persons there was any possibility of repentance for him. The scholar replied, “Yes! No one can stand between you and repentance. Go to such a land where there is a company that worships Allah Most High. Worship Allah Most High along with them and do not return to your own country; for surely it is a wicked land.” So the man packed his bags and set off. But half-way through his journey, death overtook him.
Then arose a dispute regarding him between the angel of mercy and the angel of punishment. The angel of mercy maintained that he was coming to Allah repentant. The angel of punishment argued that he had never done good in his life. Then came to them an angel in human form and they made him arbiter. He suggested that they should measure the distance between the two countries and to whichever he was nearest they should reckon him as belonging. So they measured and found that he was nearer the country to which he was journeying than to that which he had left, only by a span of a hand. He was taken by the angel of mercy.
Another narration of this story states that the man was not initially in the territory of the new city, but with His mercy and grace, Allah swt ordered the earth to move from beneath the man, placing him in the territory of the new city.
This, brothers and sisters, is from the mercy of Allah ‘azza wa jall. Many of us have not murdered even a single person, yet we despair in the mercy of Allah. Allah swt loves to forgive. In fact, the Prophet pbuh said that if you people did not sin, then Allah would wipe you out and replace you with people who would sin, and then ask for forgiveness, and Allah would forgive them. [Sahih Muslim]
Allah swt says in Suratul Baqarah:
The Prophet pbuh once explained Allah’s happiness in accepting the repentance of His slave. A man left for a journey with all of his provisions on his camel. Feeling tired, the man stopped to take a nap under the cool shade of a tree. Some time later, he awoke only to find that his camel was missing. After searching all over, the tired man returned to the tree in utter disappointment and fell asleep. This time he woke up and found that the camel had returned. Wanting to thank Allah, the over-joyed man (not thinking about what he was saying) yelled, “oh Allah, I am Your lord and You are my slave.” The Prophet pbuh said that Allah is happier with His slave when he returns to Him than this man, who lost his mind upon recovering his camel, was.
Brothers and sisters, will we make Allah happy today?
Part II
Pharaoh lived a life of disobedience. But when he was drowning in the sea, he said that he believed in the Lord of the Children of Israel (Allah) and that he is amongst the Muslims. As he was dying, he proclaimed his belief in Allah, but did this avail him anything?
Allah swt said in response: “Now?! And you had disobeyed before and were of the corrupters?”
The prophet pbuh said that the repentance from every person is accepted, except from the one who is on his deathbed. If the greatest kaafir to ever step foot on this earth remembers Allah while death is staring him in the eyes, then it is fair to say that we (Muslims) might also remember Allah on our deathbed. But that, brothers and sisters, is a bit too late!
Many times we put off our repentance, until a time when repentance no longer matters. May Allah have mercy on us.
Other times people are caught in the state of sinning, not realizing that death is approaching. A brother told me a story recently, which was published in a newspaper.
A few people were drinking and dancing in a night-club balcony, which fell to the ground, killing everyone instantly. The article went on to list some of the names of the people killed, and one of the names was Muhammad.
Brothers and sisters, Muhammad didn’t have a second chance, but you do!
When Pharaoh was drowning, angel Jibreel was stuffing mud in the mouth of Pharaoh, lest Allah, Most-Gracious Most-Merciful, accepts the words of regret and repentance coming from his mouth.
He died a kaafir.
Brothers and sisters, we should not underestimate the vastness of Allah’s mercy. We must have hope in Allah and beg Him for forgiveness.
I will share with you three conditions one must meet to have his repentance accepted, and inshaAllah we can implement them in our lives, in order that we may be forgiven.
- STOP the sin
- Feel REGRET for committing the sin, and
- PROMISE never to do it again
This must be done with a sincere heart, and pure intentions.
In conclusion:
It is stated in a hadith that the one who repents is like a sinless person. The Prophet (pbuh) is recorded to have said: Verily, Allaah extends His hand out at night in order to accept the repentance of the sinner by day. And He extends His hand out during the day in order to accept the repentance of the sinner by night, (and He will continue to do this until the Day of Judgment.)
Brothers and sisters, I pray that when the sun sets on us today, all of the Muslims listening to this khutbah are purified and sinless.
written by: Umer Akbar, May 2004
JazaakAllah khayr for the post. Insha'Allah I was thinking of a title for a YM event in Central Jersey and alhamdullilah I think I got it.
Insha'Allah I don't want to plagiarize ... so let me know if I can 'steal' it!
steal it, by all means
JazaakAllah khayr. We haven't actually set a date for it, but insha'Allah coming soon :)
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