Thursday, April 28, 2005

a little motivation...

this is the introduction to the book 'Milestones' by Syed Qutb. subhanAllah, i find this paragraph to be very moving. whenever i think that working for islam is tough and am faced with tests and tribulations, the last few lines of this paragraph revitalize my energy....EVERYTIME!

"Islam stands for change. It seeks to change the individual and the society. This change covers every aspect of human life, from personal morality to business, economics, and politics. It is only natural that Islam should be fought by those who oppose change. This is the way it has been throughout history. It happened to Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, peace be upon them all. It will happen to anyone who wants to stand up and proclaim the true message of Islam to the world today. Syed Qutb, the author of this book, tried to bring together some of the fine points of Islam and Islamic work in the present volume. It seems that true Islamic principles are too much for the corrupt regimes of the self-proclaimed leaders of so-called Islamic countries in the present and the past. Syed Qutb was persecuted, and eventually hanged. The ultimate price of working to please God Almighty and to propagate his ways in this world is often one’s own life. The author tried to do it; he paid for it with his life. If you and I try to do it, there is every likelihood we will be called upon to do the same. But for those who truly believe in God, what other choice is there?"


At 9/16/2005 2:24 PM, Blogger working4islam said...

working4islam = "Truly, my prayer and my sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds." (al An’am 6:162).


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