What better time...?!

After swallowing the news initially, I felt sadness, a general sadness...one that I feel when I hear of anyone’s death. Then I sat down to really digest the news. I saw his face in front of my eyes, even as my vision blurred by the soon-to-be tears, and then realized that I will never see that face again…at least not in this lifetime.
But then it hit me. Why was I sad? I really wasn’t…well… maybe a little. For the first time ever (and quite surprisingly), I felt some sort of joy after hearing news of someone’s passing. I began to wonder if there was any better time I would like my janaazah to be prayed than one of the most virtuous nights in one of the holiest months in my life. Honestly, I couldn’t come up with anything better than the 27th night of Ramadan…the day of my grandfather’s death (26th of Ramadan) and time of janaazah (27th night).
No doubt I will miss him. But it is somewhat comforting to know that he is most likely in a better place…in fact, very likely, considering that the gates of Hellfire are closed and gates of Paradise are wide-open, and the Infinitely Merciful One liberates many from Hellfire every night in this month.
Every soul shall taste death. If mine doesn’t taste martyrdom, then I pray it’s a death like his.
Indeed it is death that shakes our iman, subhanAllah. May your grandfather taste the sweetness of Jannatul Firdaus insha'Allah and may your dua (although you are not his child, but you are the child of his offspring) continue to be gifts even after his passing. Truly that is one of 3 things that continue after ones passing (in addition to sadaqah jariyyah, and ilm untafa3 bihi) insha'Allah. Ameen.
My grandfather recently passed away as well, and I can say it was bitter sweet in the moment. Death makes you reflect and realize that our time is fleeting before our eyes, and we are in dire need of waking up from our ghaflah. A friend of mine's father just passed a few days ago and mashaAllah I learned so much from her. Her patience and iman was so strong, masha'Allah.
May Allah swt show you the strength as you continue to be strong for your parents bi'dnillah!
jazakumullah khair
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